Marketing Mix Sebagai Alasan Anggota Menabung Di KSP Artha Srikandi Banyuwangi
Marketing strategy activities in terms of promotion, savings
product advantages and physical facilities will be successful if
supported by good service quality with members. The service process
that is in accordance with the rules, fast and not convoluted will be able
to satisfy and please customers in saving the Cooperative. This
research uses qualitative approach, ie approach based on data and
primary information meaningful in the end is trying to get the findings
of a theory that does contain the reality of truth. This research locus is
KSP Artha Srikandi Banyuwangi has applied marketing mix, that is
determination of saving product which is issued to attract members to
save, by picking up the ball, issuing savings model which gives many
benefits to member and giving guarantee of security of member
money.Promotion done to attract members with interesting ads, always
follow the exhibition and conduct social activities to be closer to the
community. Physical facilities owned adequate building, sara wide
enough parking and safe, and a comfortable waiting room. Service
process is done by serving accordingly rules and are not twisted.
Keywords: Promotion, Product, Physical Means, Service Process