Analisis Manajemen Keuangan Perguruan Tinggi Ditinjau Dari Uang Kuliah Tunggal (UKT)Di Perguruan Tinggi
Education is the right of every citizen that meets national
standards for one of the standard cost of education.To meet the demands
of the government issued a policy on Single Tuition, thus opening space
for state and private universities to set tuition independently, so the
question arises , why the cost of college in Indonesia has not been
standardize while increasing education costs each year? This research
uses a qualitative approach with a survey method at universities in
Indonesia from February 2013 until December 2013. The data analysis
techniques were used descriptive analytical method, with the following
recommendations: 1) The goverment should standardize the cost of a
college education in Indonesia based on the location of the region,
income level, and the quality of higher education. 2) The government
should control the extra funding of universities in Indonesia with the
principle that education funds that are transparent, accountable ,
effective and efficient, 3) The Government should develop guidelines and
operational technical guidance before issuing any policy,4)The
government should do evaluation of financing higher education on a
regular basis to improve the management of standardized education, 5)
Higher education should be democratic and transparent in the
management of higher education, and 6) Active community participation
should be increased in escorting management colleges, and universities
are part of the contributing greatly to the college .
Keywords: standard of higher education, single tuition