Pengaruh Stimulus Lingkungan Fisik Dan Lingkungan Sosial Terhadap Pembelian Impulsif (Studi Pada Hypermart Ambon City Center Passo Kota Ambon)

  • Ketrin Sahertian
  • Olivia Laura Sahertian


Impulsive buying is unplaned consumer buying
behaviorwhich isinfluenced by some factors, such as physical and social
surrounding stimulus. This research's purpose is to analyzephysicaland
social surrondingtowards impulsive buying desicion.The research was
conducted inHypermart Ambon City Center Passo-Ambon City consumers
. The sample was 97 respondents, and used purposive sampling method.
Data was collected by questionnaire, interviews and documentation. Next
the data was analyzed using descriptive analysis and multiple regression
with SPSS 16.The results show thatphysical and social surroundings
simultaneously and significantly impactimpulsive buying. The results from
the partial test show that both physical surrounding and social
surroundingsignificantly impactimpulsive buying.
Keyword : Physical Surroundings, Social Surroundings, Impulsive Buying

How to Cite
Sahertian, K., & Sahertian, O. (2017). Pengaruh Stimulus Lingkungan Fisik Dan Lingkungan Sosial Terhadap Pembelian Impulsif (Studi Pada Hypermart Ambon City Center Passo Kota Ambon). Arthavidya Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi, 16(1), 92 - 113.